:::Thursday Night Throw Downs Presents:::::: ~~Subliminal Sounds~~ ~~~~~~~LINEUP SPANKALICIOUS: 2 1/2 HOUR TAG SET W/ BbOx 12:30pm - 3:00AM http://www.facebook.com/pa http://www.facebook.com/pr http://www.facebook.com/pa http://www.facebook.com/pr http://www.facebook.com/pr When last call for alcohol is called at 1:10am you better stock up! You have 20 minutes to buy as much liquor as you need for the rest of the evening. No outside food or beverages are allowed in the venue if you are caught trying to sneak in outside liquor you will at least be asked to return it to your car if not turned away from entry all together. Please be respectful of the fact the we are trying to provide a safe and legal place for you to party. This venue is an actual night club and we are lucky to have it. This isn't a dirty warehouse rave where anything goes. SO PLEASE ACT ACCORDINGLY!!! PLEASE BEHAVE YOURSELVES, WE HAVEN'T HAD TO KICK ANYONE OUT YET AND WE DON'T WANT TO START DOING SO!!! COST: $10.00 for over 21 and $12.00 for under 21. . There will be a re-entry fee if you decide to leave the venue, so please bring anything you will need to get you through the evening!!! If you forget something in your car or have an emergency someone in our friendly security staff will walk you to your car and back into the show. This show is 18 and up with I.D. Leave your children at home! NO MINOR RE-ENTRY! FOR ANY REASON! SORRY KIDDOS! |