Late Night House is proud to present the third installment of 525 Resident Sessions, bringing you electro, bassline, progressive house and more in the main room with dubstep pounding all night long upstairs. We welcome Switchblade, Ross.FM, Andy P., the TITTS crew and many more respected names into the house to create that awesome vibe you've been looking for to get your Saturday night debauchery onto - the lineups are stacked, the lasers are FREAKING AWESOME and last time was so much fun we can't wait for December 4th!
Face and body painting available all night! Gogos galore!
.: Main House :. feat. visuals by OPTICALI (and full spectrum lasers oh fuuuu)
Switchblade vs. Ross.FM (Zapatistas, Glam, Shut Yo Mouth // Movin99.7 HouseNation,
T.I.T.T.S (Take It To The Streets // Skander, Sohrab & Fabian Campos)
Andy P. (Nocturnalism, Play Too Much)
RetroSoul (Late Night House // Rhetoric, Ro & Soulsmack)