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Favorite ThisBagsss & MeSo got that 'Super Sauce'

Published: April 9, 2019

By: Anand Harsh

Spicy BoisFewer bass collectives have taken off quite as quick as the Spicy Bois, which continue their meteoric rise off the backs off hard-working young producers gunning tirelessly for that next big sound.

The latest compilaiton from the bass crew comes April 12th in the form of Spicy Nois, which features UNKNWN, Migz, Sather, and more. One of the biggest pieces of the Spicy puzzle is Kevin Lee, a.k.a. MeSo, who has teamed up with Southern California's Brandon Aguilar, a.k.a. Bagsss for “Super Sauce,” which we're super stoked to premiere today.

That signature Spicy lead will immediately jump into your memory palace, and you'll be humming this one as you try to fall asleep tonight (just wait and see). It's going to sit on you like that extra sriracha you squirted into your noodles, and you'll be reminded of it in the morning. But, in like, a good way. Lee already joined Aguilar and our dear friend Jimmy Mosqueda, ION, for the Spicy Bois LA debut takeover recently, but the Spice train is just getting rolling. This crew is on a mission to burn the tongues of fans around the country.

Tags: DubstepTrap